Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Take "bites"

When you practice especially a hard piece, take "bites." Imagine a big juicy yummy apple or food of your choice. I want to eat this yummy apple but if I tried to eat the apple just whole with no bites or anything it would not even fit in my mouth and definitely not be enjoyable. Now imagine if I took a huge bite and tried to enjoy it but I wasn't allowed to swallow. That would also make the apple less enjoyable as I would probably choke. Now imagine if I take a normal size bite, chew this bite and then swallow it normally. I would love this apple and enjoy the fruit and nutrition as well as not choke. This is the same with learning a new piece. Practice. Take a "bite" or a portion of the song to learn. If I try to learn it all the way whole at once it isn't as enjoyable. Take a "bite and chew." If I try to learn a song, play through then move on, the previous portion will not get better. I have to practice a section more than once to be able to get better and then advance to the next section. Then you can take those sections and put the song together later. "Chewing" is for piano drilling as it is to being able to swallow without choking on your food. Enjoy taking "bites" of your song!

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